Preserve your smile with expert Dental Fillings in Geneva, IL at Randall Pointe Dental.

Restore Your Health by Fixing Your Tooth Structure

When Do You Need a Dental Filling?

Should you experience discomfort or sensitivity in a specific part of your tooth, it could be a sign of tooth decay. This symptom serves as an alert for you and your dentist to possible issues such as a cavity, a broken tooth, or severe tooth wear. To determine if you have a cavity, we will conduct several tests, among others:

  • Evaluation through sight
  •  Examination by touch or probing
  • Radiographic imaging

The examinations will result in a diagnosis and a plan for treatment. For small cavities, we may suggest a watchful waiting strategy. However, if the cavity is serious, painful, or situated in a difficult-to-access area, we typically advise a filling.

During the treatment of a cavity with a filling, the decayed portion of the tooth is first eliminated. Following this, a filling is used to "fill" the gap in your tooth, offering protection against additional decay.

What To Expect After Getting A Dental Filling

  • Your dentist will first apply local anesthesia and ensure the area is completely numb. After the quick injection, you'll be free from any discomfort or pain.
  • Before proceeding, we'll remove any decayed tooth structure or old filling by thoroughly cleaning the tooth cavity.
  • The dentist will then carefully create and insert the dental filling into the cavity. This acts as a dependable barrier, protecting your tooth from potential decay.
  • Following this, the dentist will carefully polish the filling to ensure a smooth and correctly shaped surface. Additionally, a bite test will be performed to confirm that the new filling aligns perfectly with the teeth on the opposite side.

If you experience any problems with your dental fillings, contact Randall Pointe Dental right away. Prompt professional attention is crucial to maintain your oral health, as dental fillings cannot self-repair.

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