
Understing the concept of Nightguards.

Do I require a night guard?

If you find yourself waking up with a sore jaw, it's likely that you might be grinding your teeth. This is especially probable if you're in a high-stress job and have noticed your teeth chipping. Over time, teeth grinding can lead to headaches, earaches, and even wear down your fillings or the teeth themselves. This is quite surprising considering the tooth is arguably the hardest bone in the body. In severe cases, it can result in tooth sensitivity and joint wear. However, all these issues can be prevented by using a simple night guard. We can conduct an evaluation to determine if you require a night guard.

Should I wear night guards while participating in sports?

Anyone, both children and adults, who participate in contact sports like football, boxing, soccer, ice hockey, basketball, lacrosse, and field hockey should use mouth guards. However, it's also beneficial for those involved in non-contact sports such as gymnastics, or recreational activities like skateboarding and mountain biking, which could potentially cause mouth injuries, to wear a protective mouth guard.

Benefits of Using Night Guards

People often grind their teeth unconsciously and involuntarily when they're angry, stressed, or anxious, whether awake or asleep. This habit can be detrimental to oral health. To safeguard your teeth, dentists may recommend a nightguard in conjunction with treatments for anxiety like medication or therapy.

While a nightguard won't halt teeth grinding, regular use can help avoid damage to fillings, prevent teeth from chipping or loosening, and reduce excessive wear of tooth enamel. Furthermore, a nightguard could enhance your sleep quality and lessen symptoms related to bruxism.

Feel free to schedule an appointment with our dentist at Randall Pointe Dental, who will assist you in determining if Night Guard is the right choice for you. Your satisfaction is our priority!

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