happy client (male) invisalign clear aligner

Achieve straighter teeth in just 6 months.

Around 300 million individuals struggle with the issue of crooked teeth. Fortunately, there's a straightforward solution at hand. At Randall Pointe Dental, we recommend Invisalign as our top choice for teeth straightening, suitable for all ages.

Invisalign is an excellent substitute for conventional metal braces, as it eliminates the hassle, discomfort, and long-term commitment associated with them. This highly effective method uses a series of transparent, personalized aligners to deliver outstanding results.

Be wary of fashionable mail-order teeth alignment kits and their persuasive advertising. Your teeth alignment is a significant concern that should always be overseen by a dental professional. If you have any queries, we are here to provide clear and honest responses to assist you in making the best choice.

Here are a few fast facts about Invisalign:

What qualifications are needed to be an appropriate candidate for Invisalign?

This method can be advantageous for many people. However, the key factor often depends on your ability and readiness to stick to the treatment plan. Pause for a moment and ask yourself, "Can I commit to wearing my aligners for 22 hours a day?"

Is Invisalign a treatment option that teenagers can use?

Invisalign is a highly effective solution for teenagers dealing with underbite, overbite, overcrowding, or gaps. However, if your adolescent finds it challenging to wear their aligners for the recommended 22 hours a day, traditional braces could be a more suitable alternative.

Visit Randall Pointe Dental to discover what you can expect to achieve with Invisalign.

At our practice, Randall Pointe Dental, we use 3D imaging to accurately visualize and plan your desired results. We provide you with custom-made aligners, designed to gradually correct the position of your teeth. It's crucial to wear each set of aligners for 22 hours a day. You'll switch to a new set of aligners on your own every few weeks. We suggest coming in for a check-up roughly every 5 weeks to monitor your progress. The typical Invisalign treatment lasts 12-18 months, but you can start seeing results in just a few weeks. We're dedicated to helping people get straighter teeth with Invisalign, and Dr. Nana will personally supervise your treatment. If you have any questions or concerns, we're always here to help.

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